

按标题从a - z查找数据库的完整列表 

什么是数据库? A database is an electronic collection of published works, 或全文文章, video, 音乐, 引用, 或文章的摘要(或书中的章节). Most databases have a full-text option you can choose so that only full text articles (available to you) will appear in the search results. 

CMU的教职员工和学生可以提交一份 馆际互借请求 在我们的数据库集合中找不到的文章. 物品通常在1-3天内到达. 

点击 links below to search 汤姆林森图书馆's numerous eBook collections. 


Provides instant access to leading medical textbooks that facilitate decision-making at the point-of-care. 



Collection of full-text 电子书 on all subjects from a variety of publishers. 

注意: 每个出版商对电子书的访问方式各不相同.


Online access to a variety of reference books 从 Gale publishing family.



提供超过350全文,000部诗歌作品, drama 和 prose from eighth century to present day as well as reference works. At the homepage, select "Primary Texts" or "Reference Works" to limit your search.


超速电子书 & 有声读物

Access thous和s of 电子书 和 audiobooks through OverDrive 24/7 on your computer, 平板电脑或移动设备. Find fiction, non-fiction, biography, 业务, careers, classics, cooking & 食物,旅行,还有很多!

  • Borrow 和 read free ebooks 和 audiobooks using your phone or tablet by downloading the 利比的应用. Add "Marmot Library Network" 和 select "All Users (except CMC) to begin reading! 
  • Use the library 408 Library number on your MAVcard to access OverDrive materials. 
  • 注意:访问个别电子书因出版商而异.


Borrow thous和s of free popular digital magazines that can be read on a computer browser or within the Libby app on a mobile device. 按照上面的说明借用标题. 






Offers access to thous和s of academic works covering multiple subjects. 



Credible content from authoritative, scholarly sources from top publishers. Access the site from your tablet or phone, 和 download ebooks for offline reading. 如果您使用的是笔记本电脑或台式机,则需要 Adobe数字版这是一个与adobereader不同的免费程序.


Science Direct电子书

Most of the 电子书 in this collection are STEM titles 和 reference works 从 world's largest scientific publisher, 爱思唯尔. 课程包括生物学, 化学, 物理, 数学, 工程, 医学, 社会科学, 计算机科学, 应急管理, 能源, 地质, 食品科学和法医学.


施普林格 电子书

Subjects include 工程, biological sciences, social & 行为科学, 政治科学, 业务, 数学, 统计数据, 2005年至今的计算机科学. 每个章节都有可下载的pdf文件.



If you can't find what you are looking for at 汤姆林森图书馆, search other materials from local libraries through Prospector, 四十多个学术的统一目录, 科罗拉多州和怀俄明州的公共图书馆和特殊图书馆.


  1. 点击 请求此项目 从搜索结果菜单链接.
  2. Select 联盟-pp电子极速糖果 和 提交以上资料.
  3. Enter the #408 Library number found in the bottom right of your MAVcard. 


If you can't find what you are looking for at 汤姆林森图书馆, search other materials from libraries worldwide through WorldCat, 美国国会图书馆的在线目录.


  • 如果一个项目是 由全球其他图书馆持有,点击 通过馆际互借订购 按钮并登入 ILLiad 进入你的馆际互借帐户.
  • 如果一个项目是 勘探者图书馆收藏,点击 勘探者的要求 按钮: 
    1. 点击 请求此项目 从搜索结果菜单链接.
    2. Select 联盟-pp电子极速糖果 和 提交以上资料.
    3. Enter the #408 Library number found in the bottom right of your MAVcard. 

搜索 an A-Z listing of journals 和 magazines by title

什么是日记? Journals can be highly technical in language 和 provide the latest findings in the field. 的y often include original research 和 are written by scholars, scientists, or other experts. 许多期刊文章都经过同行评审, which means they have undergone rigorous evaluation by a panel of other scholars 和 researchers. 

CMU的教职员工和学生可以提交一份 馆际互借请求 for journal articles not found in our database collections. 物品通常在1-3天内到达. 

Below are some useful apps available for research on Apple 和 Android devices.  

获得医学 App

下载 AccessMedicine Mobile App for invaluable point of care solutions for your clinical practice. 您必须首先从我的访问帐户注册 CMU机构账户 每90天签到一次.


Perfect format for catching up on the latest evidence 从 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 的 科克伦图书馆的应用程序 includes exclusive monthly issues containing the best of the previous month's Cochrane Review. 


的 EBSCO mobile app allows pp电子极速糖果 faculty, staff 和 students to connect to 汤姆林森图书馆's resources 从ir mobile device using a Find Your Institution feature. 更多信息请看下面的视频.

  1. 下载 EBSCO移动应用应用程序商店 or 谷歌玩.
  2. 点击搜索框查找你的学校或学校 使用我的位置.
  3. 从列表中选择Colorado Mesa university.
  4. Select 连接你的机构 登录您的MAVzone帐户. 


Use the mobile app on both Apple 和 Android devices Follow the 指令 for "Student/Faculty of a subscribing university or an educational institution". 


Find answers to your clinical questions anytime, anywhere with the UpToDate移动应用. 最多可免费安装在两台设备上. 



  • 尝试不同的浏览器. Some resources may work differently with different browsers 和 some errors can be resolved by trying another browser. 
  • Clear the search history, cookies, 和 cache stored in your web browser. This can resolve some problems 和 often allow browsers to work more efficiently.
  • 调整弹出窗口拦截器设置. Some electronic resources require the use of pop-ups for content delivery, so make sure that pop-ups are allowed in your browser settings. 
  • 检查你的安全设置. Sometimes security settings on firewalls can cause issues with off campus access to electronic resources. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to discuss options. 
  • 技术上的困难. 偶尔, a resource may be temporarily unavailable due to technical difficulties at the publisher site. 等待并再次尝试,看看问题是否自行解决. 
  • 数据库A-Z列表. 检查 数据库A-Z列表 for notes about the database 和 any restrictions for users.